First of all, I would like to apologize, many days has gone by since I wrote my last post. I have
been really busy working!
Today I would like to write about Ubuntu, an OS based on debian and compare it to Windows Vista.
I decided to install Ubuntu in my girfriend's laptop because It was performing really badly. It took 5 minutes for the system to start and you could have lunch while you were trying to run any application. Her laptop is two years old and It just has 512 ram memory and a 1.7 amd processor but once Ubuntu was installed, it worked faster than the speed of sound!!!. Now you can run every single application with one second response after cliking. Summing up, Ubuntu is much better than Vista, is free, you can customize you desktop with amazing effects and after a few days using it, It's not difficult to get used to it. Now I have installed Ubuntu in my laptop too and I wonder why did I not do it before?!.
What are you waiting to try Ubuntu?
Para empezar, me gustaría disculparme, han pasado muchos dias desde que postee por última vez. He estado realmente ocupado trabajando!
Hoy me gustaría escribir sobre Ubuntu, un sistema operativo basado en debian y compararlo con W Vista. Decidí instalar Ubuntu en el portatil de mi novia porque no iba nada bien. Tardaba cinco minutos en iniciarse y podias tomar el almuerzo mientras esperabas ejecutar cualquier programa. Su portatil tiene 2 años y solamente 512 de RAM y un amd de 1.7, pero una vez instalado Ubuntu,funcionaba mas rápido que la velocidad del sonido!. Ahora puedes ejecutar cualquier apliación con un tiempo de respuesta de 1 segundo tras el “clik”. Resumiendo, Ubuntu es mucho mejor que vista, es gratis, puedes configurar tu escritorio para que tenga fantasticos efectos y tras unos dias de uso no es difícil acostumbrarse a el. He instalado Ubuntu en mi portatil ahora y me pregunto porque no lo habré hecho antes...
¿Que esperas para probar Ubuntu?
PD, Una captura de mi escritorio
PS, A screenshot from my desktop